Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Life's Illusions has moved to Focused

I am no longer blogging at Life's Illusions. I have created a new blog called Focused: Capturing France and Italy, One Frame at a Time.

Please join me at:

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Gazing from my window to streets below
On a freshly fallen silent shroud of snow.

Paul Simon couldn't have written a more perfect line to describe my view of New York City for the last month.

Last night, New York City had its eigth snow storm in one month. These pictures were taken on December 27, the day after our first blizzard, and today, January 27, one month later.

December 27, 2010

January 27, 2011

Even on the coolest days while in Nice, France; I, like this gentleman pictured, would maintain a daily habit of going to the seaside to sit on a bench, to read the Nice Matin journal and to take the sun.

These benches that are in the small pocket park below my apartment, haven't been condusive to sitting on, let alone reading the New York Times.

December 27, 2010

January 27, 2011

I know, I can hear you...poor Roger. Had to come home from France...
to SNOW!

After that first blizzard, I posted the next photo on FaceBook and  facetiously suggested that I wouldn't be taking a ride that day. My apologies, if you thought this was MY scooter. Really, can you imagine Peter (76) and I (62) shooting around Manhattan on this thing? That's right, Peter is 76 tomorrow.

Happy Birthday Peter!

I had a car in France last April, and after carefully checking in front, behind, to my left and to my right, I would begin to relax to enjoy the driving experience, only to discover that I was surrounded by scooters, or as I call them cock roaches. Just like in New York City, when you think you have none, they come out of nowhere.

Obviously, I have just digressed. My apologies. Back to the SNOW.

Since returning to New York, I have attempted to continue my photography. At first I wasn't inspired, then it was too cold or too snowy. But I have been pushing myself to have some sort of camera with me at all times. The photos in this blog are taken either with my BlackBerry Storm2 with a 3.2 MP camera and a 2X digital zoom or with my Sony Cyber-shot with 8.1 MP and a 15X zoom. And I have dusted off my old Olympus digital for extra flexibility.

Because of the cold, I really haven't gotten out of "my hood". Since returning to the states, I have been no further North than 45th Street, no further South than Bleeker Street, and no further East than 3rd Avenue. But I have been West and to the Hudson River as you can see below.

That was a really cold day, and I shared the Chelsea Piers with ....NO ONE!

Living in New York City, I am afraid of taking tourist pictures. But honestly, all of my Europe pictures are tourist shots. I have never photographed many of this cities landmarks. I need to relax and just take the picture.

Here are a few of my recent New York pictures...

This is one of my favorite pictures that I took in August of 2009. Is this New York City...or an illusion? HA!

I'm desperate for some color. So I'm looking for subjects that will bring me some warmth. I wanted to show this picture with one that I took of an artist supply store in Venice, but I can't find it. But this reminds me of boxes of colored pencils or crayons.

I'll end with this shot taken in Piedmont, Italy, also in 2009.  

I'm longing for spring. As I am sure you are as well.

I began this post quoting Paul Simon. Here's a quote from another P.S. poet.

"The trumpet of a prohecy! O Wind,
If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?"

Ode to the West Wind
by Percy Bysshe Shelley

So a project of mine this year will be to anticipate and record the arrival of spring. Below my apartment is a Japanese Maple Tree. For the last 4 years I have watched as it begins to sprout, then bursts with flowers before turning pink and finally to a deep red.

Of course, here it is, covered with SNOW!